- Presides over all meetings of The Extension and Research Support Staff Association, the Executive Board, and Executive Committee.
- Assists in the acclimation of each Executive Board and Executive Committee member of their duties as shared by the previous office holder.
- Serves as the official representative of The Extension and Research Support Staff Association.
- Signs all certificates and documents of the association.
- Prepares meeting agendas and responsible for arranging meeting dates and locations in cooperation with Executive Board and Committee members.
- Serves as Immediate Past President for the following year.
- Serves as Liaison on each committee.
- Serves as Liaison and appoints Chair(s) of any additional committees needed to conduct Annual Meeting.
- The President will appoint a parliamentarian to sit on the Executive Board as a non-elected and non-voting member of the Board. The person appointed must be well versed in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised which shall govern this association as stated in Article XI of this document.